Hi! Welcome...

It has been said on more than one occasion that I am a very ‘opinionated person’ and I do not have much fault with that statement. In fact, I see it as a compliment. What separates me from the norm is I believe I have an educated opinion, I’m open to suggestions and my beliefs are not set in stone. I would like to use this platform to inform, encourage, educate and hopefully entertain all those willing to listen... have your say, air your views or just have a rant!

21 December 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Quote of the Day – University stifles writers

Rows of desks with laptop and books in university library

Everywhere I go I’m asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don’t stifle enough of them.
– Flannery O’Connor

17 December 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Daily Joke

March Targets Smacking Law

Who wants a chuckle? Take a look at this misguided attempt at a protest, www.boycott-2010-world-cup.co.nr. Apparently these clowns have 258 Vleisboep fans and counting. I know by posting this piece in a way I am giving the site airtime, but it is well worth a look as the content is highly questionable and hilarious at the same time. These alarmists are nothing more than spiteful fools that abandoned a ship that ain’t sinking.

To quote one of their contributors, Michael Waddacor: “Stupid people shouldn’t breed, especially when they’re sanctimoniously obsessed about always being correct, knowledgeable and even erudite.”


17 December 2009 ~ 0 Comments

Blame it on the bunny

White Rabbit

Living in South Africa you’d swear the reasons for world hunger, global warming or little Johnny’s snaggle tooth were one and the same. Racism. That’s right, bigoted racists are the root of all evil in this land. This reasoning is an everyday occurrence and quite frankly is becoming tedious. Surely the dog eared race card needs to be put to rest and allowed a well deserved retirement?

Perhaps a practical approach would benefit all and sundry as opposed to making outlandish accusations and boring us with the same tune. I have as much joy listening to the ‘Best of Kenny G’ every time I step in an elevator or the delightful ‘Greensleeves’ when on hold. Let’s change not only our tune but our approach too.

Viva Nesquik bunny, viva!

News24 – Pick n Pay boss blasts racism claims
